########################################### # Define SystemC library as a pre-requisite ########################################### $(print-last-makefile) lib_name := libsystemc # SystemC installation path systemc_path := $(HOME)/bin/systemc_latest # SystemC library is in $(systemc_path)/lib-$(target_arch) . target_arch := linux64 # library include directory: # this directory is included by USERS of the library. # the directory contains: # - the library's top-level header file # - lib.mk which defines the library # - a COPY of the library file per build type # - a COPY of all the library's object header files reside. # a program, by using those copied libraries and their object headers, # will not be affected/rebuilt when someone's working on the library, but hasn't released it to the users. lib_inc_dir := $(systemc_path)/include # --- Do not change below this line -------------------------------------------- lib_file_name := $(lib_name).a # all header file directories: # converted into INCDIR to find header files. hdr_dirs += $(lib_inc_dir) # library file lists: pre_req_libs += $(lib_file_name) pre_req_libs_dirs += $(systemc_path)/lib-$(target_arch) non_pre_req_libs += -lstdc++ -lm # additional compilation flags CPPFLAGS += -Wno-char-subscripts -Wno-return-type -Wno-deprecated -pthread # additional link flags when building an executable LINKFLAGS += -pthread $(info ... $(lib_name) include dir : $(lib_inc_dir)) $(info ... $(lib_name) library file: $(systemc_path)/lib-$(target_arch)/$(lib_file_name))